Outdoor Classes

Outdoor exercise classes at 9.30am every Monday and Saturday morning at Stoke St. Michael playing fields. Thursday evening sessions at 7pm during summer months.

The classes include a blend of strength, mobility and cardio with a focus on quality movements that serve well for a healthy and active life.

It is an all inclusive community with a mix of ages and abilities. The exercises are scaled to suit ability, so there will be progressions and regressions to ensure everyone can take part.

There are so many physical and mental health benefits to both exercising in nature and in doing so as part of a supportive group.

Physical activity that allows us to interact with our outdoor environment and each other feels so much more natural and achievable for many than a gym environment. The benefits also transfer over well into every day tasks and movements, making activities of daily living much easier as strength and fitness grows.

Classes are priced at £8 per session, payment either by cash on attendance or BACS in advance (please email me at emma@flourishhealthandfitness.co.uk for bank details). Once you have attended 8 sessions, the 9th session is half price.

If you would like to attend please complete the following Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and Liability Waiver in advance:

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